Fabian Deutsch
2014-04-29 13:37:32 UTC
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Node Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by fabiand at 13:03:17 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-04-29-13.03.log.html
Meeting summary
* Agenda (fabiand, 13:03:55)
* Build Status (3.0.5) (fabiand, 13:04:16)
* Feature Status for 3.5 (fabiand, 13:04:21)
* Mailinglist Merge (fabiand, 13:05:00)
* Action Item Review (fabiand, 13:06:51)
* Other Items (fabiand, 13:06:57)
* Build Status (fabiand, 13:07:02)
* node-3.0 branch is looking good (fabiand, 13:07:18)
* ACTION: fabiand to prepare beta until next week (fabiand, 13:08:55)
* ACTION: fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta (fabiand, 13:09:02)
* LINK: Current node-3.0 is
(fabiand, 13:09:42)
* Feature Status for 3.5 (fabiand, 13:09:53)
* Bug 875088 - [RFE] ovirt-node-registration - a generic node
registration (fabiand, 13:11:18)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875088 (fabiand,
* LINK: Feature page:
(fabiand, 13:13:20)
* AGREED: Go for generic-registration feature (fabiand, 13:14:55)
* Bug 1038616 - [RFE] Support for hosted engine (fabiand, 13:15:48)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1038616
(fabiand, 13:15:52)
* No updates on hosted engine plugin (fabiand, 13:17:02)
* LINK: Feature Page: http://www.ovirt.org/Node_Hosted_Engine
(fabiand, 13:19:24)
* AGREED: Go for hosted-engine-plugin (fabiand, 13:19:38)
* Bug 1053435 - [RFE] oVirt virtual appliance (fabiand, 13:22:58)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1053435
(fabiand, 13:23:02)
* AGREED: Go for ovirt-virtual-appliance feature (fabiand, 13:23:43)
* Mailinglist Merge (fabiand, 13:24:21)
* ACTION: fabiand to take care of merge (fabiand, 13:28:56)
* Action Item Review (fabiand, 13:29:10)
* Other Items (fabiand, 13:29:29)
Meeting ended at 13:33:55 UTC.
Action Items
* fabiand to prepare beta until next week
* fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta
* fabiand to take care of merge
Action Items, by person
* fabiand
* fabiand to prepare beta until next week
* fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta
* fabiand to take care of merge
* jboggs
* fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta
* rbarry
* fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* fabiand (98)
* rbarry (10)
* jboggs (6)
* bkp (5)
* ovirtbot (5)
* SvenKieske (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Node Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by fabiand at 13:03:17 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-04-29-13.03.log.html
Meeting summary
* Agenda (fabiand, 13:03:55)
* Build Status (3.0.5) (fabiand, 13:04:16)
* Feature Status for 3.5 (fabiand, 13:04:21)
* Mailinglist Merge (fabiand, 13:05:00)
* Action Item Review (fabiand, 13:06:51)
* Other Items (fabiand, 13:06:57)
* Build Status (fabiand, 13:07:02)
* node-3.0 branch is looking good (fabiand, 13:07:18)
* ACTION: fabiand to prepare beta until next week (fabiand, 13:08:55)
* ACTION: fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta (fabiand, 13:09:02)
* LINK: Current node-3.0 is
(fabiand, 13:09:42)
* Feature Status for 3.5 (fabiand, 13:09:53)
* Bug 875088 - [RFE] ovirt-node-registration - a generic node
registration (fabiand, 13:11:18)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875088 (fabiand,
* LINK: Feature page:
(fabiand, 13:13:20)
* AGREED: Go for generic-registration feature (fabiand, 13:14:55)
* Bug 1038616 - [RFE] Support for hosted engine (fabiand, 13:15:48)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1038616
(fabiand, 13:15:52)
* No updates on hosted engine plugin (fabiand, 13:17:02)
* LINK: Feature Page: http://www.ovirt.org/Node_Hosted_Engine
(fabiand, 13:19:24)
* AGREED: Go for hosted-engine-plugin (fabiand, 13:19:38)
* Bug 1053435 - [RFE] oVirt virtual appliance (fabiand, 13:22:58)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1053435
(fabiand, 13:23:02)
* AGREED: Go for ovirt-virtual-appliance feature (fabiand, 13:23:43)
* Mailinglist Merge (fabiand, 13:24:21)
* ACTION: fabiand to take care of merge (fabiand, 13:28:56)
* Action Item Review (fabiand, 13:29:10)
* Other Items (fabiand, 13:29:29)
Meeting ended at 13:33:55 UTC.
Action Items
* fabiand to prepare beta until next week
* fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta
* fabiand to take care of merge
Action Items, by person
* fabiand
* fabiand to prepare beta until next week
* fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta
* fabiand to take care of merge
* jboggs
* fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta
* rbarry
* fabiand jboggs rbarry to test beta
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* fabiand (98)
* rbarry (10)
* jboggs (6)
* bkp (5)
* ovirtbot (5)
* SvenKieske (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot