[node-devel] oVirt Node Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-10-08
Fabian Deutsch
2013-10-08 14:31:38 UTC
#ovirt: oVirt Node Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by fabiand at 14:00:44 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-10-08-14.00.log.html

Meeting summary
* agenda (fabiand, 14:02:29)
* 3.0.x updates (fabiand, 14:02:39)
* 3.1.0 planning (fabiand, 14:02:56)
* other topics (fabiand, 14:03:04)

* 3.0.x updates (fabiand, 14:03:13)
* no urgent update needed for (fabiand, 14:06:21)
* 3.3.1 vdsm builds are scheduled for mid-next week (fabiand,
* oVirt 3.3.1 release tentatively set for end of October (mburns,
* A couple of node specific patches should go into the next 3.0 based
build - most of them are already submitted (fabiand, 14:08:54)

* 3.1.0 planning (fabiand, 14:09:38)
* Release planning page for 3.1:
http://www.ovirt.org/Node_3.1_release-management (fabiand,
* PackageRefactoring owned by mburns - page created (fabiand,
* BuildtoolMigration owned by jboggs - page done (fabiand, 14:12:34)
* StorageAndInstallerModuleRewrite owned by fabiand - page created
(fabiand, 14:13:42)
* OpenVSwitchSupport owned by .. rbarry? - page missing (fabiand,
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Node_Openvswitch_Integration (rbarry,
* ACTION: rbarry to fix the openvswitch link on the planning page
(fabiand, 14:16:48)
* PluginLiveInstall owned by jboggs - page created (fabiand,
* FeaturePublishing owned by fabiand - page created (fabiand,
* i18n - patches from haibo. Can be seen as a feature, but no page
around yet (fabiand, 14:20:39)
* ACTION: fabiand to create page for i18n feature (fabiand, 14:21:09)

* other topics (fabiand, 14:21:26)
* mburns going to be taking a step back from the oVirt Node project
(mburns, 14:21:55)
* fabiand will take over driving oVirt Node (mburns, 14:22:08)

Meeting ended at 14:24:30 UTC.

Action Items
* rbarry to fix the openvswitch link on the planning page
* fabiand to create page for i18n feature

Action Items, by person
* fabiand
* fabiand to create page for i18n feature
* rbarry
* rbarry to fix the openvswitch link on the planning page
* (none)

People Present (lines said)
* fabiand (66)
* mburns (17)
* rbarry (8)
* jboggs (6)
* ovirtbot (5)
* sbonazzo (1)

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