Fabian Deutsch
2013-11-05 14:11:11 UTC
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Node Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by fabiand at 14:02:41 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-11-05-14.02.log.html
Meeting summary
* agenda (fabiand, 14:02:57)
* 3.0.2 update (fabiand, 14:03:03)
* other topics (fabiand, 14:03:17)
* 3.0.2 update (fabiand, 14:03:21)
* Waiting for vdsm build containing http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/20313/
(fabiand, 14:05:45)
* bugfix-only patches in staging (fabiand, 14:06:48)
* Other topics (fabiand, 14:06:56)
* ACTION: fabiand to sync with vdsm team to sort out the pkg issue
(fabiand, 14:09:59)
Meeting ended at 14:10:20 UTC.
Action Items
* fabiand to sync with vdsm team to sort out the pkg issue
Action Items, by person
* fabiand
* fabiand to sync with vdsm team to sort out the pkg issue
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* fabiand (25)
* jboggs (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* rbarry (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Node Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by fabiand at 14:02:41 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-11-05-14.02.log.html
Meeting summary
* agenda (fabiand, 14:02:57)
* 3.0.2 update (fabiand, 14:03:03)
* other topics (fabiand, 14:03:17)
* 3.0.2 update (fabiand, 14:03:21)
* Waiting for vdsm build containing http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/20313/
(fabiand, 14:05:45)
* bugfix-only patches in staging (fabiand, 14:06:48)
* Other topics (fabiand, 14:06:56)
* ACTION: fabiand to sync with vdsm team to sort out the pkg issue
(fabiand, 14:09:59)
Meeting ended at 14:10:20 UTC.
Action Items
* fabiand to sync with vdsm team to sort out the pkg issue
Action Items, by person
* fabiand
* fabiand to sync with vdsm team to sort out the pkg issue
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* fabiand (25)
* jboggs (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* rbarry (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot