[node-devel] oVirt Node + VDSM Jenkins builder
Ryan Barry
2014-02-26 17:01:49 UTC

We on the Node team are planning on creating a Jenkins job to
automatically add ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm to a base image in order to
ease the burden of testing, and I'm looking for input from stakeholders
on how we'd like to configure this.

Adding a single plugin to the image should be much less troublesome than
the jobs we had which built an ISO on every commit, but I'd like to
avoid overloading Jenkins as much as possible while still fulfilling the
intended goal.

Looking at the build history of ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm, I don't think
that it would be too invasive to trigger this new job on completion of
ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm, but I'm open.

Fabian Deutsch
2014-02-26 17:08:40 UTC
Post by Ryan Barry
Adding a single plugin to the image should be much less troublesome than
the jobs we had which built an ISO on every commit, but I'd like to
avoid overloading Jenkins as much as possible while still fulfilling the
intended goal.
[Adding Douglas]


yeah I think that is really the way to go, as edit-node is also our
recommended way to add plugins to an ISO.
Post by Ryan Barry
Looking at the build history of ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm, I don't think
that it would be too invasive to trigger this new job on completion of
ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm, but I'm open.
Yes, I agree on that. We should basically create a new iso once a new
ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm has been build.

Is there already a job which builds ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm?

Oh - And just to confirm - are we still planning to only add the plugin
to the last _stable_ base image?

- fabian
