[node-devel] Needed: Node and Engine cooperation
Fabian Deutsch
2013-10-21 17:45:41 UTC

with the extraction of the oVirt Engine / VDSM specific bits from Node
in it's 3.0 release, oVirt Node became unaware of when it is being
Pre-3.0 Node (it's TUI) had specific knowledge about what configuration
files existed when it was registered to Engine. This is not the case in
Node 3.0 anymore. And this leads to problems. E.g. a user removing
Engines network layout.

A new way is needed to pass informations between the management instance
and Node's core. This informations are needed e.g. to prevent the user
from accidentally destroying Engines network layout on a Node.

I've opened a bug [0] to suggest a way of sharing this kind of

The idea is that Node and the management instance - Engine - share a set
of common configuration keys in /etc/default/ovirt to pass the relevant
bit's to Node.
For now I thought about this three keys:

This key is used to (a) signal the Node is being managed and (b)
signaling who is managing this node.

This key is used to specify a number (comma separated list) of ifnames
which are managed and for which the TUI shall display some information
(IP, ...).
This can also be used by the TUI to decide to not offer NIC
configuration to the user.

(Future) A list of pages which shall be locked e.g. because the
management instance is configuring the aspect (e.g. networking or

The third one (OVIRT_MANAGED_LOCKED_PAGES) needs a tighter integration
and might be relevant in the future, but the first two should really be
implemented quickly for the reasons given above.

It is quit elate in the development process but probably worth to think
about getting this into 3.3.1, to prevent all sorts of (accidentally)
user-driven collisions between Node and Engine.



[0] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1021647
Moti Asayag
2013-10-27 10:58:06 UTC
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 8:45:41 PM
Subject: [node-devel] Needed: Node and Engine cooperation
with the extraction of the oVirt Engine / VDSM specific bits from Node
in it's 3.0 release, oVirt Node became unaware of when it is being
Pre-3.0 Node (it's TUI) had specific knowledge about what configuration
files existed when it was registered to Engine. This is not the case in
Node 3.0 anymore. And this leads to problems. E.g. a user removing
Engines network layout.
A new way is needed to pass informations between the management instance
and Node's core. This informations are needed e.g. to prevent the user
from accidentally destroying Engines network layout on a Node.
How is it different from an admin connecting to non ovirt-node host and manually
dis-configure its network ?

I'm not sure we need to prevent from the administrator to perform any manual
changes on the host. Perhaps the TUI could reflect the networks name by querying
vdsm/libvirt in the same sense as the engine does so the user will be aware which
interfaces carry logical networks.
I've opened a bug [0] to suggest a way of sharing this kind of
The idea is that Node and the management instance - Engine - share a set
of common configuration keys in /etc/default/ovirt to pass the relevant
bit's to Node.
This key is used to (a) signal the Node is being managed and (b)
signaling who is managing this node.
This key is used to specify a number (comma separated list) of ifnames
which are managed and for which the TUI shall display some information
(IP, ...).
This can also be used by the TUI to decide to not offer NIC
configuration to the user.
(Future) A list of pages which shall be locked e.g. because the
management instance is configuring the aspect (e.g. networking or
The third one (OVIRT_MANAGED_LOCKED_PAGES) needs a tighter integration
and might be relevant in the future, but the first two should really be
implemented quickly for the reasons given above.
It is quit elate in the development process but probably worth to think
about getting this into 3.3.1, to prevent all sorts of (accidentally)
user-driven collisions between Node and Engine.
[0] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1021647
node-devel mailing list
Fabian Deutsch
2013-10-27 12:06:06 UTC
Post by Moti Asayag
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 8:45:41 PM
Subject: [node-devel] Needed: Node and Engine cooperation
with the extraction of the oVirt Engine / VDSM specific bits from Node
in it's 3.0 release, oVirt Node became unaware of when it is being
Pre-3.0 Node (it's TUI) had specific knowledge about what configuration
files existed when it was registered to Engine. This is not the case in
Node 3.0 anymore. And this leads to problems. E.g. a user removing
Engines network layout.
A new way is needed to pass informations between the management instance
and Node's core. This informations are needed e.g. to prevent the user
from accidentally destroying Engines network layout on a Node.
How is it different from an admin connecting to non ovirt-node host and manually
dis-configure its network ?
You are right that there is not really a difference between those both
If vdsm can cope with this then this shouldn't be a problem.
My assumption was that vdsm had problems when the network configuration
got changed on a different way than through vdsm.
If vdsm is fine with this - the network configuration changed by the
user - then this is fine and we don't have a problem.
Post by Moti Asayag
I'm not sure we need to prevent from the administrator to perform any manual
changes on the host. Perhaps the TUI could reflect the networks name by querying
vdsm/libvirt in the same sense as the engine does so the user will be aware which
interfaces carry logical networks.
The problem here is that the TUI is not aware of vdsm. That's why I
suggest that VDSM is publishing these informations through e.g. the
mechanism which is mentioned in [0] or also maybe through

Post by Moti Asayag
I've opened a bug [0] to suggest a way of sharing this kind of
The idea is that Node and the management instance - Engine - share a set
of common configuration keys in /etc/default/ovirt to pass the relevant
bit's to Node.
This key is used to (a) signal the Node is being managed and (b)
signaling who is managing this node.
This key is used to specify a number (comma separated list) of ifnames
which are managed and for which the TUI shall display some information
(IP, ...).
This can also be used by the TUI to decide to not offer NIC
configuration to the user.
(Future) A list of pages which shall be locked e.g. because the
management instance is configuring the aspect (e.g. networking or
The third one (OVIRT_MANAGED_LOCKED_PAGES) needs a tighter integration
and might be relevant in the future, but the first two should really be
implemented quickly for the reasons given above.
It is quit elate in the development process but probably worth to think
about getting this into 3.3.1, to prevent all sorts of (accidentally)
user-driven collisions between Node and Engine.
[0] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1021647
node-devel mailing list
Dan Kenigsberg
2013-10-28 00:39:48 UTC
Post by Fabian Deutsch
Post by Moti Asayag
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 8:45:41 PM
Subject: [node-devel] Needed: Node and Engine cooperation
with the extraction of the oVirt Engine / VDSM specific bits from Node
in it's 3.0 release, oVirt Node became unaware of when it is being
Pre-3.0 Node (it's TUI) had specific knowledge about what configuration
files existed when it was registered to Engine. This is not the case in
Node 3.0 anymore. And this leads to problems. E.g. a user removing
Engines network layout.
A new way is needed to pass informations between the management instance
and Node's core. This informations are needed e.g. to prevent the user
from accidentally destroying Engines network layout on a Node.
How is it different from an admin connecting to non ovirt-node host and manually
dis-configure its network ?
You are right that there is not really a difference between those both
If vdsm can cope with this then this shouldn't be a problem.
My assumption was that vdsm had problems when the network configuration
got changed on a different way than through vdsm.
If vdsm is fine with this - the network configuration changed by the
user - then this is fine and we don't have a problem.
Vdsm is not "fine" with arbitrary changes to network configuration done
under its feet. If you're configuring an oVirt node, we strongly
recommend doing it via Engine. Anything else is likely to break
something or to be overridden by Engine. Let alone trigger evil races
within initscripts or Vdsm.

For plain (non ovirt-node) hosts, we trust admins to know what they are
doing. The premise of ovirt-node is a bit different: it's all about

As much as I personally hate when my admin hands are tied by an
application, I think it is sensible for the TUI to report which Engine
controls it, and to lock the network configuration page when the node is

However, the TUI should allow explicit unlocking of the
Post by Fabian Deutsch
Post by Moti Asayag
I'm not sure we need to prevent from the administrator to perform any manual
changes on the host. Perhaps the TUI could reflect the networks name by querying
vdsm/libvirt in the same sense as the engine does so the user will be aware which
interfaces carry logical networks.
The problem here is that the TUI is not aware of vdsm. That's why I
suggest that VDSM is publishing these informations through e.g. the
mechanism which is mentioned in [0] or also maybe through
Post by Moti Asayag
I've opened a bug [0] to suggest a way of sharing this kind of
The idea is that Node and the management instance - Engine - share a set
of common configuration keys in /etc/default/ovirt to pass the relevant
bit's to Node.
This key is used to (a) signal the Node is being managed and (b)
signaling who is managing this node.
"vendor" is less interesting than the managing app, and the location of
its access point.
Post by Fabian Deutsch
Post by Moti Asayag
This key is used to specify a number (comma separated list) of ifnames
which are managed and for which the TUI shall display some information
(IP, ...).
This can also be used by the TUI to decide to not offer NIC
configuration to the user.
I do not see the benefit of this. All (non-wifi) nics of a host are
reported by Vdsm to Engine and thus manage-able by the latter.
Post by Fabian Deutsch
Post by Moti Asayag
(Future) A list of pages which shall be locked e.g. because the
management instance is configuring the aspect (e.g. networking or
The third one (OVIRT_MANAGED_LOCKED_PAGES) needs a tighter integration
and might be relevant in the future, but the first two should really be
implemented quickly for the reasons given above.
.. but that's the only thing we need...
Post by Fabian Deutsch
Post by Moti Asayag
It is quit elate in the development process but probably worth to think
about getting this into 3.3.1, to prevent all sorts of (accidentally)
user-driven collisions between Node and Engine.
Please do not delay the 3.3.1 beta for this. I prefer a release note:
"do not attempt to configure node networking when registered to Engine,
unless you really know what your are doing."

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